Safe Haskell | Safe-Infered |
- module NLP.GenI.Control
- getBuilderType :: Params -> BuilderType
- getRanking :: Params -> OtRanking
- mainBuilderTypes :: [BuilderType]
- emptyParams :: Params
- defineParams :: [Flag] -> Params -> Params
- treatArgs :: [OptDescr Flag] -> [String] -> IO Params
- treatArgsWithParams :: [OptDescr Flag] -> [String] -> Params -> IO Params
- usage :: [OptSection] -> String -> String
- basicSections :: [OptSection]
- optionsSections :: [OptSection]
- processInstructions :: Params -> IO Params
- optionsForStandardGenI :: [OptDescr Flag]
- optionsForBasicStuff :: [OptDescr Flag]
- optionsForOptimisation :: [OptDescr Flag]
- optionsForMorphology :: [OptDescr Flag]
- optionsForInputFiles :: [OptDescr Flag]
- optionsForBuilder :: [OptDescr Flag]
- optionsForTesting :: [OptDescr Flag]
- helpOption :: OptDescr Flag
- verboseOption :: OptDescr Flag
- lexiconOption, macrosOption :: OptDescr Flag
- nubBySwitches :: [OptDescr a] -> [OptDescr a]
- noArg :: forall f. (Eq f, Typeable f) => (() -> f) -> ArgDescr Flag
- reqArg :: forall f x. (Eq f, Typeable f, Eq x, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> (String -> x) -> String -> ArgDescr Flag
- optArg :: forall f x. (Eq f, Typeable f, Eq x, Typeable x) => (x -> f) -> x -> (String -> x) -> String -> ArgDescr Flag
- parseFlagWithParsec :: String -> Parser b -> Text -> b
- readGlobalConfig :: IO (Maybe YamlLight)
- setLoggers :: YamlLight -> IO ()
- module System.Console.GetOpt
- module NLP.GenI.Flag
- class Typeable a
module NLP.GenI.Control
getBuilderType :: Params -> BuilderType
getRanking :: Params -> OtRanking
The default parameters configuration
defineParams :: [Flag] -> Params -> Params
Print out a GenI-style usage message with options divided into sections
basicSections :: [OptSection]
optionsSections :: [OptSection]
processInstructions :: Params -> IO Params
Update the internal instructions list, test suite and case according to the contents of an instructions file.
Basic approach
- we always have instructions: if no instructions file, is specified we infer virtual instructions from the test suite flag * the testsuite and testcase flags are focusing tools, they pick out a subset from the instructions
optionsForStandardGenI :: [OptDescr Flag]
Uses the GetOpt library to process the command line arguments. Note that we divide them into basic and advanced usage.
nubBySwitches :: [OptDescr a] -> [OptDescr a]
parseFlagWithParsec :: String -> Parser b -> Text -> b
TODO: This is a horrible and abusive use of error
configration files
readGlobalConfig :: IO (Maybe YamlLight)
setLoggers :: YamlLight -> IO ()
module System.Console.GetOpt
module NLP.GenI.Flag
class Typeable a
The class Typeable
allows a concrete representation of a type to
be calculated.